James Ahn
Program Coordinator
Hometown: Woodbridge, VA
Fun fact about you: I love to relive my childhood and continue to enjoy the same hobbies I loved as a kid. Some of those hobbies include Pokemon, Star Wars, and my love for sports, specifically basketball. My goal is to visit every NBA stadium in the country at least once.
Why were you excited to join the Little Lights team?: The joy that emanates from youth students excites me every single day. I feel like no matter how many times I ask God where He wants me to be, He always leads me back to be with the youth. From being a volunteer at Little Lights for so long, I have learned that God has worked, is working, and will continue to work in Little Lights faithfully. To be a part of God’s plan here in D.C. is truly an honor and I am excited to see the youthful joy that every child of God possesses.
Alizah Wilson
Mentoring and Volunteer Coordinator
Hometown: Dallas, TX
Fun fact about you: I made the front page of the newspaper when I played baby Jesus for a nativity scene when I was six months old.
Why were you excited to join the Little Lights team?: I was excited to be a part of a team and a mission that is heartfelt and unwaveringly dedicated to serving its community. I have loved being a part of an organization where I can practically see the positive impact of our work as a team!