Mark your calendars for Saturday, October 28th for our favorite event of the year, the Little Lights Benefit! We hope you will join us as we celebrate those whose lives have been impacted by Little Lights as students and have returned as adults to be full-time staff members and leaders.
The evening will include live music, a three-course dinner, inspiring testimonies and a new video, and a live auction. It will be a fun and inspiring night!
Purchase Tickets and Tables
Hosting a table is a great way to support Little Lights and share about our equity-building work. With half-table and whole-table options available, table hosts invite friends to the Benefit who have a heart for holistically empowering DC’s public housing communities. We also have individual tickets available for purchase. Learn more about purchasing tickets and tables here.
Sponsor the Benefit
Sponsoring the Benefit allows you to see, firsthand, the ways your investment is creating a cycle of lasting impact and empowering rising leaders. Sponsorship opportunities are available at multiple levels, for individuals and businesses. Learn more about individual and corporate sponsorship opportunities here.
If you have any questions, please contact